Archive for June, 2020

Uncovering all the commands of Radare2

Radare2: It source codes is available here:

And its binary releases available here:

Here below are documented all its commands and subcommands:

Usage: a [abdefFghoprxstc] [...]
| a alias for aai - analysis information
| a* same as afl*;ah*;ax*
| aa[?] analyze all (fcns + bbs) (aa0 to avoid sub renaming)
| a8 [hexpairs] analyze bytes
| ab[b] [addr] analyze block at given address
| abb [len] analyze N basic blocks in [len] (section.size by default)
| ac[?] manage classes
| aC[?] analyze function call
| aCe[?] same as aC, but uses esil with abte to emulate the function
| ad[?] analyze data trampoline (wip)
| ad [from] [to] analyze data pointers to (from-to)
| ae[?] [expr] analyze opcode eval expression (see ao)
| af[?] analyze Functions
| aF same as above, but using anal.depth=1
| ag[?] [options] draw graphs in various formats
| ah[?] analysis hints (force opcode size, ...)
| ai [addr] address information (show perms, stack, heap, ...)
| aj same as a* but in json (aflj)
| aL list all asm/anal plugins (e asm.arch=?)
| an [name] [@addr] show/rename/create whatever flag/function is used at addr
| ao[?] [len] analyze Opcodes (or emulate it)
| aO[?] [len] Analyze N instructions in M bytes
| ap find prelude for current offset
| ar[?] like 'dr' but for the esil vm. (registers)
| as[?] [num] analyze syscall using dbg.reg
| av[?] [.] show vtables
| ax[?] manage refs/xrefs (see also afx?)
Usage: b[f] [arg]
Get/Set block size
| b 33 set block size to 33
| b eip+4 numeric argument can be an expression
| b display current block size
| b+3 increase blocksize by 3
| b-16 decrease blocksize by 16
| b* display current block size in r2 command
| bf foo set block size to flag size
| bj display block size information in JSON
| bm 1M set max block size
Usage: c[?dfx] [argument] # Compare
| c [string] Compare a plain with escaped chars string
| c* [string] Same as above, but printing r2 commands instead
| c1 [addr] Compare 8 bits from current offset
| c2 [value] Compare a word from a math expression
| c4 [value] Compare a doubleword from a math expression
| c8 [value] Compare a quadword from a math expression
| cat [file] Show contents of file (see pwd, ls)
| cc [at] Compares in two hexdump columns of block size
| ccc [at] Same as above, but only showing different lines
| ccd [at] Compares in two disasm columns of block size
| ccdd [at] Compares decompiler output (e cmd.pdc=pdg|pdd)
| cf [file] Compare contents of file at current seek
| cg[?] [o] [file] Graphdiff current file and [file]
| cu[?] [addr] @at Compare memory hexdumps of $$ and dst in unified diff
| cud [addr] @at Unified diff disasm from $$ and given address
| cv[1248] [hexpairs] @at Compare 1,2,4,8-byte (silent return in $?)
| cV[1248] [addr] @at Compare 1,2,4,8-byte address contents (silent, return in $?)
| cw[?] [us?] [...] Compare memory watchers
| cx [hexpair] Compare hexpair string (use '.' as nibble wildcard)
| cx* [hexpair] Compare hexpair string (output r2 commands)
| cX [addr] Like 'cc' but using hexdiff output

| cd [dir] chdir
| cl|cls|clear Clear screen, (clear0 to goto 0, 0 only)
Usage: d # Debug commands
| db[?] Breakpoints commands
| dbt[?] Display backtrace based on dbg.btdepth and dbg.btalgo
| dc[?] Continue execution
| dd[?] File descriptors (!fd in r1)
| de[-sc] [perm] [rm] [e] Debug with ESIL (see de?)
| dg <file> Generate a core-file (WIP)
| dH [handler] Transplant process to a new handler
| di[?] Show debugger backend information (See dh)
| dk[?] List, send, get, set, signal handlers of child
| dL[?] List or set debugger handler
| dm[?] Show memory maps
| do[?] Open process (reload, alias for 'oo')
| doo[args] Reopen in debug mode with args (alias for 'ood')
| doof[file] Reopen in debug mode from file (alias for 'oodf')
| doc Close debug session
| dp[?] List, attach to process or thread id
| dr[?] Cpu registers
| ds[?] Step, over, source line
| dt[?] Display instruction traces
| dw <pid> Block prompt until pid dies
| dx[?] Inject and run code on target process (See gs)
Usage: e [var[=value]] Evaluable vars
| e?asm.bytes show description
| e?? list config vars with description
| e a get value of var 'a'
| e a=b set var 'a' the 'b' value
| e var=? print all valid values of var
| e var=?? print all valid values of var with description
| e.a=b same as 'e a=b' but without using a space
| e,k=v,k=v,k=v comma separated k[=v]
| e- reset config vars
| e* dump config vars in r commands
| e!a invert the boolean value of 'a' var
| ec [k] [color] set color for given key (prompt, offset, ...)
| eevar open editor to change the value of var
| ed open editor to change the ~/.radare2rc
| ej list config vars in JSON
| env [k[=v]] get/set environment variable
| er [key] set config key as readonly. no way back
| es [space] list all eval spaces [or keys]
| et [key] show type of given config variable
| ev [key] list config vars in verbose format
| evj [key] list config vars in verbose format in JSON
Usage: f [?] [flagname] # Manage offset-name flags
| f list flags (will only list flags from selected flagspaces)
| f?flagname check if flag exists or not, See ?? and ?!
| f. [*[*]] list local per-function flags (*) as r2 commands
| f.blah=$$+12 set local function label named 'blah'
| f. fname list all local labels for the given function
| f, table output for flags
| f* list flags in r commands
| f name 12 @ 33 set flag 'name' with length 12 at offset 33
| f name = 33 alias for 'f name @ 33' or 'f name 1 33'
| f name 12 33 [cmt] same as above + optional comment
| delete local label from function at current seek (also f.-)
| f-- delete all flags and flagspaces (deinit)
| f+name 12 @ 33 like above but creates new one if doesnt exist
| f-name remove flag 'name'
| f-@addr remove flag at address expression
| f= [glob] list range bars graphics with flag offsets and sizes
| fa [name] [alias] alias a flag to evaluate an expression
| fb [addr] set base address for new flags
| fb [addr] [flag*] move flags matching 'flag' to relative addr
| fc[?][name] [color] set color for given flag
| fC [name] [cmt] set comment for given flag
| fd[?] addr return flag+delta
| fe- resets the enumerator counter
| fe [name] create flag name.#num# enumerated flag. See fe?
| ff ([glob]) distance in bytes to reach the next flag (see sn/sp)
| fi [size] | [from] [to] show flags in current block or range
| fg[*] ([prefix]) construct a graph with the flag names
| fj list flags in JSON format
| fl (@[flag]) [size] show or set flag length (size)
| fla [glob] automatically compute the size of all flags matching glob
| fm addr move flag at current offset to new address
| fn list flags displaying the real name (demangled)
| fnj list flags displaying the real name (demangled) in JSON format
| fN show real name of flag at current address
| fN [[name]] [realname] set flag real name (if no flag name current seek one is used)
| fo show fortunes
| fO [glob] flag as ordinals (sym.* func.* method.*)
| fr [[old]] [new] rename flag (if no new flag current seek one is used)
| fR[?] [f] [t] [m] relocate all flags matching f&~m 'f'rom, 't'o, 'm'ask
| fs[?]+-* manage flagspaces
| ft[?]* flag tags, useful to find all flags matching some words
| fV[*-] [nkey] [offset] dump/restore visual marks (mK/'K)
| fx[d] show hexdump (or disasm) of flag:flagsize
| fq list flags in quiet mode
| fz[?][name] add named flag zone -name to delete. see fz?[name]
Usage: g[wcilper] [arg] Go compile shellcodes
| g Compile the shellcode
| g foo.r Compile r_egg source file
| gw Compile and write
| gc cmd=/bin/ls Set config option for shellcodes and encoders
| gc List all config options
| gl[?] List plugins (shellcodes, encoders)
| gs name args Compile syscall name(args)
| gi [type] Define the shellcode type
| gp padding Define padding for command
| ge [encoder] [key] Specify an encoder and a key
| gr Reset r_egg
| gS Show the current configuration
| EVAL VARS: asm.arch, asm.bits, asm.os
Usage: head [file] # to list first n lines in file
Usage: i Get info from opened file (see rabin2's manpage)
Output mode:
| '*' Output in radare commands
| 'j' Output in json
| 'q' Simple quiet output
| i|ij Show info of current file (in JSON)
| iA List archs
| ia Show all info (imports, exports, sections..)
| ib Reload the current buffer for setting of the bin (use once only)
| ic List classes, methods and fields
| icc List classes, methods and fields in Header Format
| icg List classes as agn/age commands to create class hirearchy graphs
| icq List classes, in quiet mode (just the classname)
| icqq List classes, in quieter mode (only show non-system classnames)
| iC[j] Show signature info (entitlements, ...)
| id Show DWARF source lines information
| idp [file.pdb] Load pdb file information
| idpi [file.pdb] Show pdb file information
| idpi* Show symbols from pdb as flags (prefix with dot to import)
| idpd Download pdb file on remote server
| iD lang sym demangle symbolname for given language
| ie Entrypoint
| iee Show Entry and Exit (preinit, init and fini)
| iE Exports (global symbols)
| iE. Current export
| ih Headers (alias for iH)
| iHH Verbose Headers in raw text
| ii Imports
| iI Binary info
| ik [query] Key-value database from RBinObject
| il Libraries
| iL [plugin] List all RBin plugins loaded or plugin details
| im Show info about predefined memory allocation
| iM Show main address
| io [file] Load info from file (or last opened) use bin.baddr
| iO[?] Perform binary operation (dump, resize, change sections, ...)
| ir List the Relocations
| iR List the Resources
| is List the Symbols
| is. Current symbol
| iS [entropy,sha1] Sections (choose which hash algorithm to use)
| iS. Current section
| iS= Show ascii-art color bars with the section ranges
| iSS List memory segments (maps with om)
| it File hashes
| iT File signature
| iV Display file version info
| iw try/catch blocks
| iX Display source files used (via dwarf)
| iz|izj Strings in data sections (in JSON/Base64)
| izz Search for Strings in the whole binary
| izzz Dump Strings from whole binary to r2 shell (for huge files)
| iz- [addr] Purge string via bin.str.purge
| iZ Guess size of binary program
Usage: join [file1] [file2] # join the contents of the two files
Usage: k[s] [key[=value]] Sdb Query
| k anal/** list namespaces under anal
| k anal/meta/* list kv from anal > meta namespaces
| k anal/meta/meta.0x80404 get value for meta.0x80404 key
| k foo show value
| k foo=bar set value
| k list keys
| kd [file.sdb] [ns] dump namespace to disk
| kj List all namespaces and sdb databases in JSON format
| ko [file.sdb] [ns] open file into namespace
| ks [ns] enter the sdb query shell
Usage: l[es] # ls to list files, le[ss] to less a file
Usage: m[-?*dgy] [...] Mountpoints management
| m /mnt ext2 0 Mount ext2 fs at /mnt with delta 0 on IO
| m /mnt Mount fs at /mnt with autodetect fs and current offset
| m List all mountpoints in human readable format
| m* Same as above, but in r2 commands
| m-/ Umount given path (/)
| mL List filesystem plugins (Same as Lm)
| mc [file] Cat: Show the contents of the given file
| md / List directory contents for path
| mf[?] [o|n] Search files for given filename or for offset
| mg /foo Get fs file/dir and dump it to disk
| mi /foo/bar Get offset and size of given file
| mj List mounted filesystems in JSON
| mo /foo/bar Open given file into a malloc://
| mp msdos 0 Show partitions in msdos format at offset 0
| mp List all supported partition types
| ms /mnt Open filesystem prompt at /mnt
| mw [file] [data] Write data into file
| my Yank contents of file into clipboard
|ERROR| Invalid command 'n?' (0x6e)
Usage: o [com- ] [file] ([offset])
| o [file] 0x4000 rwx map file at 0x4000
| o [file] open [file] file in read-only
| o list opened files
| o-1 close file descriptor 1
| o* list opened files in r2 commands
| o+ [file] open file in read-write mode
| o-!* close all opened files
| o-- close all files, analysis, binfiles, flags, same as !r2 --
| o. show current filename (or o.q/oq to get the fd)
| o: [len] open a malloc://[len] copying the bytes from current offset
| o= list opened files (ascii-art bars)
| oL list all IO plugins registered
| oa[-] [A] [B] [filename] Specify arch and bits for given file
| ob[?] [lbdos] [...] list opened binary files backed by fd
| oc [file] open core file, like relaunching r2
| of [file] open file and map it at addr 0 as read-only
| oi[-|idx] alias for o, but using index instead of fd
| oj[?] list opened files in JSON format
| om[?] create, list, remove IO maps
| on [file] 0x4000 map raw file at 0x4000 (no r_bin involved)
| oo[?+bcdnm] reopen current file (see oo?) (reload in rw or debugger)
| op [fd] select the given fd as current file (see also ob)
| oq list all open files
| ox fd fdx exchange the descs of fd and fdx and keep the mapping
Usage: p[=68abcdDfiImrstuxz] [arg|len] [@addr]
| p[b|B|xb] [len] ([S]) bindump N bits skipping S bytes
| p[iI][df] [len] print N ops/bytes (f=func) (see pi? and pdi)
| p[kK] [len] print key in randomart (K is for mosaic)
| p-[?][jh] [mode] bar|json|histogram blocks (mode: e?
| p2 [len] 8x8 2bpp-tiles
| p3 [file] print stereogram (3D)
| p6[de] [len] base64 decode/encode
| p8[?][j] [len] 8bit hexpair list of bytes
| p=[?][bep] [N] [L] [b] show entropy/printable chars/chars bars
| pa[edD] [arg] pa:assemble pa[dD]:disasm or pae: esil from hex
| pA[n_ops] show n_ops address and type
| pb[?] [n] bitstream of N bits
| pB[?] [n] bitstream of N bytes
| pc[?][p] [len] output C (or python) format
| pC[aAcdDxw] [rows] print disassembly in columns (see hex.cols and pdi)
| pd[?] [sz] [a] [b] disassemble N opcodes (pd) or N bytes (pD)
| pf[?][.nam] [fmt] print formatted data (, $<expr>)
| pF[?][apx] print asn1, pkcs7 or x509
| pg[?][x y w h] [cmd] create new visual gadget or print it (see pg? for details)
| ph[?][=|hash] ([len]) calculate hash for a block
| pj[?] [len] print as indented JSON
| pm[?] [magic] print libmagic data (see pm? and /m?)
| po[?] hex print operation applied to block (see po?)
| pp[?][sz] [len] print patterns, see pp? for more help
| pq[?][is] [len] print QR code with the first Nbytes
| pr[?][glx] [len] print N raw bytes (in lines or hexblocks, 'g'unzip)
| ps[?][pwz] [len] print pascal/wide/zero-terminated strings
| pt[?][dn] [len] print different timestamps
| pu[?][w] [len] print N url encoded bytes (w=wide)
| pv[?][jh] [mode] show variable/pointer/value in memory
| pwd display current working directory
| px[?][owq] [len] hexdump of N bytes (o=octal, w=32bit, q=64bit)
| pz[?] [len] print zoom view (see pz? for help)
Usage: q[!][!] [retval]
| q quit program
| q! force quit (no questions)
| q!! force quit without saving history
| q!!! force quit without freeing anything
| q 1 quit with return value 1
| q a-b quit with return value a-b
| q[y/n][y/n] quit, chose to kill process, chose to save project
| Q same as q!!
Usage: r[+-][ size] Resize file
| r display file size
| r size expand or truncate file to given size
| r-num remove num bytes, move following data down
| r+num insert num bytes, move following data up
| rboldbase @ newbase rebase all flags,, breakpoints and analysis
| rm [file] remove file
| rh show size in human format
| r2 [file] launch r2 (same for rax2, rasm2, ...)
| reset reset console settings (clear --hard)
Usage: s # Help for the seek commands. See ?$? to see all variables
| s Print current address
| s.hexoff Seek honoring a base from core->offset
| s:pad Print current address with N padded zeros (defaults to 8)
| s addr Seek to address
| s- Undo seek
| s-* Reset undo seek history
| s- n Seek n bytes backward
| s--[n] Seek blocksize bytes backward (/=n)
| s+ Redo seek
| s+ n Seek n bytes forward
| s++[n] Seek blocksize bytes forward (/=n)
| s[j*=!] List undo seek history (JSON, =list, *r2, !=names, s==)
| s/ DATA Search for next occurrence of 'DATA'
| s/x 9091 Search for next occurrence of x90x91
| sa [[+-]a] [asz] Seek asz (or bsize) aligned to addr
| sb Seek aligned to bb start
| sC[?] string Seek to comment matching given string
| sf Seek to next function (f->addr+f->size)
| sf function Seek to address of specified function
| sf. Seek to the beginning of current function
| sg/sG Seek begin (sg) or end (sG) of section or file
| sl[?] [+-]line Seek to line
| sn/sp ([nkey]) Seek to next/prev location, as specified by scr.nkey
| so [N] Seek to N next opcode(s)
| sr pc Seek to register
| ss Seek silently (without adding an entry to the seek history)
Usage: t # cparse types commands
| t List all loaded types
| tj List all loaded types as json
| t <type> Show type in 'pf' syntax
| t* List types info in r2 commands
| t- <name> Delete types by its name
| t-* Remove all types
| tail [filename] Output the last part of files
| tc [] List all/given types in C output format
| te[?] List all loaded enums
| td[?] <string> Load types from string
| tf List all loaded functions signatures
| tk <sdb-query> Perform sdb query
| tl[?] Show/Link type to an address
| tn[?] [-][addr] manage noreturn function attributes and marks
| to - Open cfg.editor to load types
| to <path> Load types from C header file
| toe [] Open cfg.editor to edit types
| tos <path> Load types from parsed Sdb database
| tp <type> [addr|varname] cast data at <address> to <type> and print it (XXX: type can contain spaces)
| tpv <type> @ [value] Show offset formatted for given type
| tpx <type> <hexpairs> Show value for type with specified byte sequence (XXX: type can contain spaces)
| ts[?] Print loaded struct types
| tu[?] Print loaded union types
| tx[f?] Type xrefs
| tt[?] List all loaded typedefs
Usage: u uname or undo write/seek
| u show system uname
| uw alias for wc (requires: e io.cache=true)
| us alias for s- (seek history)
| uc undo core commands (uc?, ucl, uc*, ..)
| uniq filter rows to avoid duplicates
| uname uname - show system information
Usage: v[*i]
v.test # save current layout with name test
v test # load saved layout with name test
vi ... # launch 'cfg.editor'
Usage: w[x] [str] [<file] [<<EOF] [@addr]
| w[1248][+-][n] increment/decrement byte,word..
| w foobar write string 'foobar'
| w0 [len] write 'len' bytes with value 0x00
| w6[de] base64/hex write base64 [d]ecoded or [e]ncoded string
| wa[?] push ebp write opcode, separated by ';' (use '"' around the command)
| waf f.asm assemble file and write bytes
| waF f.asm assemble file and write bytes and show 'wx' op with hexpair bytes of assembled code
| wao[?] op modify opcode (change conditional of jump. nop, etc)
| wA[?] r 0 alter/modify opcode at current seek (see wA?)
| wb 010203 fill current block with cyclic hexpairs
| wB[-]0xVALUE set or unset bits with given value
| wc list all write changes
| wc[?][jir+-*?] write cache undo/commit/reset/list (io.cache)
| wd [off] [n] duplicate N bytes from offset at current seek (memcpy) (see y?)
| we[?] [nNsxX] [arg] extend write operations (insert instead of replace)
| wf[fs] -|file write contents of file at current offset
| wh r2 whereis/which shell command
| wm f0ff set binary mask hexpair to be used as cyclic write mask
| wo[?] hex write in block with operation. 'wo?' fmi
| wp[?] -|file apply radare patch file. See wp? fmi
| wr 10 write 10 random bytes
| ws pstring write 1 byte for length and then the string
| wt[f][?] file [sz] write to file (from current seek, blocksize or sz bytes)
| wts host:port [sz] send data to remote host:port via tcp://
| ww foobar write wide string 'fx00ox00ox00bx00ax00rx00'
| wx[?][fs] 9090 write two intel nops (from wxfile or wxseek)
| wv[?] eip+34 write 32-64 bit value honoring cfg.bigendian
| wz string write zero terminated string (like w + x00)
Usage: px[0afoswqWqQ][f] # Print heXadecimal
| px show hexdump
| px/ same as x/ in gdb (help x)
| px0 8bit hexpair list of bytes until zero byte
| pxa show annotated hexdump
| pxA[?] show op analysis color map
| pxb dump bits in hexdump form
| pxc show hexdump with comments
| pxd[?1248] signed integer dump (1 byte, 2 and 4)
| pxe emoji hexdump! :)
| pxf show hexdump of current function
| pxh show hexadecimal half-words dump (16bit)
| pxH same as above, but one per line
| pxi HexII compact binary representation
| pxl display N lines (rows) of hexdump
| pxo show octal dump
| pxq show hexadecimal quad-words dump (64bit)
| pxQ[q] same as above, but one per line
| pxr[j] show words with references to flags and code (q=quiet)
| pxs show hexadecimal in sparse mode
| pxt[*.] [origin] show delta pointer table in r2 commands
| pxw show hexadecimal words dump (32bit)
| pxW[q] same as above, but one per line (q=quiet)
| pxx show N bytes of hex-less hexdump
| pxX show N words of hex-less hexdump
Usage: y[ptxy] [len] [[@]addr] # See wd? for memcpy, same as 'yf'.
| y! open cfg.editor to edit the clipboard
| y 16 0x200 copy 16 bytes into clipboard from 0x200
| y 16 @ 0x200 copy 16 bytes into clipboard from 0x200
| y 16 copy 16 bytes into clipboard
| y show yank buffer information (srcoff len bytes)
| y* print in r2 commands what's been yanked
| yf 64 0x200 copy file 64 bytes from 0x200 from file
| yfa file copy copy all bytes from file (opens w/ io)
| yfx 10203040 yank from hexpairs (same as ywx)
| yj print in JSON commands what's been yanked
| yp print contents of clipboard
| yq print contents of clipboard in hexpairs
| ys print contents of clipboard as string
| yt 64 0x200 copy 64 bytes from current seek to 0x200
| ytf file dump the clipboard to given file
| yw hello world yank from string
| ywx 10203040 yank from hexpairs (same as yfx)
| yx print contents of clipboard in hexadecimal
| yy 0x3344 paste clipboard
| yz [len] copy nul-terminated string (up to blocksize) into clipboard
Usage: z[*j-aof/cs] [args] # Manage zignatures
| z show zignatures
| z. find matching zignatures in current offset
| z* show zignatures in radare format
| zq show zignatures in quiet mode
| zj show zignatures in json format
| zk show zignatures in sdb format
| z-zignature delete zignature
| z-* delete all zignatures
| za[?] add zignature
| zg generate zignatures (alias for zaF)
| zo[?] manage zignature files
| zf[?] manage FLIRT signatures
| z/[?] search zignatures
| zc[?] compare current zignspace zignatures with another one
| zs[?] manage zignspaces
| zi show zignatures matching information

And there are also “aliases”:


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