Archive for March, 2015

Learning about nftables

Classic article:

Main differences with iptables – nftables HOWTO

Minnowmax Bootup using Buildroot


First, download buildroot, and then make the buildroot image for Minnowmax:

make minnowboard_max_defconfig

After that, under buildroot’s “output” directory there is a images subdirectory. You can find bzImage and rootfs.tar there.

These are your kernel file, and rootfs tar file. Copy the kernel file, and you have to use root (“sudo”) to untar the rootfs.tar to your SDCard, so as to retain the uid/gid information as it originally it.

These instructions can be found further explained below (host machine is running Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit LTS):

Prepare the SD card for the Minnow Board MAX

+ 1. Partition the SD card with a GPT partition table+
+ sudo cgdisk /dev/mmcblk0
+ Create two partitions:
+ a) First partition of a few dozens of megabytes, which will be
+ used to store the bootloader and the kernel image. Type must
+ be EF00 (EFI partition).
+ b) Second partition of any size, which will be used to store the
+ root filesystem. Type must be 8300 (Linux filesystem)
+ 2. Prepare the boot partition
+ We will format it, mount it, copy the EFI data generated by
+ Buildroot, and the kernel image.
+ sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n boot /dev/mmcblk0p1
+ sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
+ sudo cp -a output/images/efi-part/* /mnt/
+ sudo cp output/images/bzImage /mnt/
+ sudo umount /mnt
+ 3. Prepare the root partition
+ We will format it, mount it, and extract the root filesystem.
+ sudo mkfs.ext4 -L root /dev/mmcblk0p2
+ sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt
+ sudo tar -C /mnt -xf output/images/rootfs.tar
+ sudo umount /mnt

Connect the serial wire as shown below:

Serial Pinout for MINNOWMAX

Full dump of booting up:



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