Archive for February, 2020

Resolving a problem in phpmyadmin + MariaDB installation, and followed by WordPress installation

First install apache2, then MariaDB in ubuntu via:

sudo apt-get install apache2

sudo apt-get install mariadb-client mariadb-server mycli

Check that the database server “MySQL” or mariadb is running:

Next install phpmyadmin which will modify the configurations in apache2:

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

So after this if mariadb or mysql server is not install, you will get the following:

Otherwise all will end quietly – most likely successful.

Next is point the browser to http://localhost/phpmyadmin:

After login with default user “phpmyadmin”:

This is the point of this entire blog: why is the user phpmyadmin not given any privileges at all?

There is no way to create database at all, because of lack of privileges. And default you cannot even create any users in the database:

You can verify this privileges via:

mysql -u phpmyadmin -p

and basically query all database privileges via command line.

May be phpmyadmin is designed this way, but I need a web-based interface to manage my MariaDB database – mainly to create a new database for my WordPress installation.

So how do you overwrite the old password and create a new user?

There is a “root” user, but only access if you login mysql as root:

The second approach – using “mysql -u root” has to succeed, without running as root, in order for the phpmyadmin application be able to run “mysql -u root”.

To do this, first shutdown MariaDB, and add “skip-grant-tables” to the config file:

sudo service mariadb stop

vi /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

and inside the “[mysqld]” section add “skip-grant-tables”:

Then now issue:

mysql -u root

> update mysql.user set password=password(‘newpass’) where user=’root’;
> flush privileges;
> update mysql.user set plugin=’mysql_native_password’ where user=’root’;
> flush privileges;

Reference this:

And stop the database:

sudo service mariadb stop

Now edit the “mysqld” section inside

vi /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

And remove the “skip-grant-tables”, and restart the database:

sudo service mariadb restart

And now the command “mysql” should not allow you to connect in anymore without password, but succeeded upon entering the password you just set:

And now logging in via the phpmyadmin interface using “root” as the user:

Now all the privileges to “root” user is available.

Next is to create a “wordpress” user, and requiring the database to have the same name:

After all these wordpress will be successfully installed:

Starting Flutter development

First start the download of Flutter here:

The linux version is chosen and downloaded.

The "flutter" binary is entered into the PATH environment:

export PATH=/home/<user_id>/flutter/bin:$PATH

And then entering "flutter" twice (first for setup, second for help), you will see the help screen as follows:

Checking for "devices" running:

No devices, so we can either start it up via either Android SDK emulators, or just plugged in an external Android devices?

For me, I use flutter itself to start the emulator:

And starting it up via the emulator ID "Pixel_XL_API_27", and checking devices again:

Immediately after the emulator has startup, you can see the emulated Android devices. Next is to go to the individual "examples" and enter "flutter run" to run the sample:

And you get the output at the emulated mobile phone:

And trying out another example "image_list":

GNU Radio Companion (GRC) Installation on Ubuntu 18.04

Setup and Installation in Ubuntu Bionics (18.04):

apt-get install gnuradio
pip install gnuradio osmosdr
apt-get install rtl-sdr librtlsdr-dev

Trying out a FM spectrum analyzer using GNU radio companion as written by someone:

Got installation errors :

After installation of rtl-sdr (“apt-get install rtl-sdr librtlsdr-dev“), the error was resolved, and loading the FMStation flow graph give the following diagram in GRC:

Miscellaneous information:

This is the classical starting point of using HackRF with GNURadio Companion: Getz – MHz_MSPS_MWTF.pdf$FILE/digitv_sdr_exercise.pdf


Research scattered with thoughts, ideas, and dreams

Penetration Testing Lab

Offensive Techniques & Methodologies

Astr0baby's not so random thoughts _____ rand() % 100;

@astr0baby on Twitter for fresh randomness

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Data | ML | NLP | Python | R


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